Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Issue Number: HCTT-2016-79 (from an email from the IRS) A Series of Yes-or-No Questions help you Determine Eligibility for the Premium Tax Credit The premium tax credit – also known simply as PTC – is a credit for certain people who enroll, or whose family member enrolls, in a qualified health plan offered through a […]
OK Open enrollment for individual health plans started on Nov 01, 2016. The first deadline is: Dec 15, 2016 to get a plan that will start on 01/01/2017. Jan 15, 2017 for a plan to start 02/01/2017. Jan 31,2017 for a plan to start 03/01/2017. This is the end of open enrollment for Under […]
Fortunately people get warning signs before they have a major heart event. A sudden cardiac arrest is an “electrical problem” in the body , where the heart stops beating. Time is of the essence (Minutes matter – 10 or less) This brings me to some things that all of us should keep in mind: Have […]
Open enrollment for individual health insurance plans comes to a close at the end of January for 2016. So, Sunday 01/31 is the last day people can purchase health insurance with out a special exception. I am going to post something I read in the Houston Chronicle on Sunday 01/24, that included some news on what […]
A HumanaOne plan, TX Bronze 6450 ChoiceCare PPO + Children’s Dental, has been added for 2016 coverage in parts of Texas that were previously not included. This was announced on 12/09/2015. This is good news for The Houston and central Texas areas. Where there is going to be less options for PPO plans to individuals […]
O.K. the 3rd Open Enrollment for individual and family coverage (2016 coverage) has started. Open enrollment for individual & family ACA health insurance plans is Nov 01, 2015 – Jan 31, 2016. (link for 2016 timeline). and YES, this is for plans ON and OFF the Marketplace. 12/15/2015 deadline for coverage to start 01/01/2016 […]
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas or BCBSTX is arguably the latest Health Insurer in Texas. I will try to point out and list links to some useful web pages. Blue Cross Blue Shield (association) What is it from Wikipedia. Blue Cross Blue Shield has implemented Benefits Value Advisory or Customer Service (CS), , for […]
In this post you will find links to excellent information on the federal marketplace for Texas residents from the Aetna website. Aetna has a section on there website titled “Reform Explained.” See this link for a video on “what is a health insurance exchange” (and a transcript of the marketplace). Also seee the Aetna overview […]
For Individual Health Insurance we all have to get used to the idea of an annual open enrollment. This is the time where you can shop and purchase health insurance without having a qualifying event. A qualifying event allows you to purchase (on average 60 day window) health insurance outside the open enrollment period. Here are […]
Did you know that people in the United States spend more of their tax dollars on health care than any other country in the world? Yes more than the UK, Australia, and even Canada. This YouTube video, Why Are American Health Care Costs So High, explains why this is true and who’s to blame. Read more about the rising […]
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