Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
All Medicare plans are designed by the federal government, so all insurance companies must offer the same minimum benefits and coverages. Although these plans are standardized, each company will have different pricing and could have additional points of value for their plans.
Medicare is a government health plan where the insured is required to select either a Medicare Supplement plan and Prescription Drug (Rx) coverage (Part D) or enroll in an all-in-one plan called Medicare Advantage. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.
Medicare Supplement Plans
Medicare Supplement plans, for example, cost more but give the insured more choices. When you select a Medicare Supplement plan you should enroll in a Medicare Part D plan (Drug or Rx) at the same time.
Medicare Resources
The following resources can help with your Medicare decisions. Call on your agent for more information. If you live in Texas and do not have an Insurance Agent, please give us a call.We will be happy to meet with you, in our office, by appointment.
Medicare – Forms, Help, & Resources ( a good source of info (2018))
The annual government handbook, Medicare and You explains in detail, Medicare for the given year.
Medicare and You page via
How to Pick the Right Medicare Plan – Via TDI – take 5
Medicare Coverage Choices from the US Government site and or give us a call.
Medicare Plan Finder from the US Government site.
Your Guide to Medicare’s Preventative Services
The official government booklet with important information about what disease prevention is and why it’s important; which preventive services Medicare covers and how often; who can get them and what you pay.
Choosing a Medigap Policy -2018 (A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare)
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage – multiple guides from Medicare
Your guide to Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (A guide to Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) or Medicare part D coverage), a Medicare information document (a pdf of 88 pages (2018/06).
Medicare Supplement Insurance Handbook and Rate Guide (From TDI)
Medicare Supplement plans by letter including benefits.
The 10 Standard Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (Charts from TDI) (2018/08)
Compare the (10) Medigap or Medicare Supplement plans (also called “Med Sup” plans) (Medicare site)
CMS – Forms (web page) (2017)
SSA – Forms (Social Security Administration) ( see -application for Medicare part B) (2017)
Medicare – BIC (2017/ 02) (Beneficiary Identification Codes) (ie the letters before and after a Medicare number) (2017)
Find, read, print, or order free Medicare publications (a site)
Check – Medicare (original A & B) Enrollment – link
Am I eligible for Medicare if I am under 65? – Signing up for Medicare: special conditions