Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Most of us, understand that we should get some physical activity, exercise in our life. Unless you have a physical type job then you have to work exercise into your life routine. I am lucky in that exercise has be a part of my life since high school days. Take a look at the three […]
In the USA, The United States of America, Madison avenue (the Advertising machine) keeps personal appearance on the front page. On a personal level we all need to keep this in mind. especially if we do, as most Americans do not go hungry, and have too much to eat. With this reality we do need […]
Today I am posting some good info to help you get into a regular workout routine for a healthier you. I believe that overall health is dependent on how we live as people, in other words, what and when we eat along with how much activity our bodies get every day. So again, this post […]
Well, it is the first week of 2017. We have made some new year goal (resolutions) and I have received some good info that I will share. The American Institute for Cancer Research (I do have knowledge of this organization and like the info I get from them,) The Jan 2017 AIRC news letter A […]
Diet and Exercise and or Diet vs Exercise, that is a question of what you want and/or need to answer. I read a good article in the NYTimes talking about this topic. The question is what is most important in order to loose some weight, that is diet or exercise? See the article “To Lose […]
Health Zone from the Houston Chronicle Oct 26 2014 Diet that uses fasting by Greta Kaul (pdf copy) A good article o fruit fiber rich diet that we all can draw on. (pdf copy) An article that touches on Bariatric surgery and talks of the pros and cons. Note for most health insurance this is […]
Well, Happy New Year to 2012 and people are dealing with new years resolutions or NOT. We all fall into one or the other camp and we all have things in our life we want to improve. Improving our health is always a topic for Texans and all Americans. Even if you are in “good […]
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