Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM) 2017. I like to encourage people to look at their situation and family to make sure you are protecting the people who need to be protected. Life Insurance for family and business obligations, etc. Wills for ALL people, especially for those who have children and obligations. (AND to […]
Life Insurance Awareness Month is September of every year. This is a campaign to bring awareness to the things life insurance can do and to help people work to find a solution. All people are different and working with a life insurance agent can help you find a proper way to protect you and your […]
Every May is Disability Awareness Month (DIAM) . During May of every year the insurance community makes an effort to educate people in the USA about disability and disability insurance (DI) Life – DI – It’s Not what you think (a video via YouTube) I believe that we all need to plan […]
Life Insurance Awareness Month is a nice reminder for people to read up, watch videos, and learn more about Life Insurance. Watch a good video on Life Insurance 101 (2014) YouTube Chanel from Life happens At the most basic need level you need to have life insurance if someone or something depends on […]
This article is about planning that no one wants to dwell on, but everyone should. In other words, “just do it,” so that if something unexpected happens. you won’t be leaving a mess for your loved ones. What I am saying is take some time and make sure you have a Last Will & Testament […]
When talking to people about Life Insurance, a topic I bring to prospects and clients is dealing with our own mortality (Life Insurance) and end of life planning. I am not an attorney and do not help in the writing of wills. I do, however, recommend that everyone should have one. A will is not just about […]
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