Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
If you are in the place where you have lost your employer sponsored health insurance due to a lay off. Look at the option of ACA coverage vs COBRA (small group state continuation ). We feel that for most people a group plan is the best coverage due to ACA plan being only HMO. But […]
You’ve likely heard about the Coronavirus (officially called “2019-Novel Coronavirus” or “COVID-19”) in the news. While there isn’t a vaccine yet and the immediate health risk remains low. (From Medicare ) To prevent the spread of this illness or other illnesses, including the flu: Wash your hands often with soap and water, Cover your mouth […]
Open enrollment for 2018 is approaching. Nov 01–Dec 12 2017 For coverage that will start January 01 2018. Yes….This is a smaller window of time to sing up than in the prior years. Related Links Info for Tax Credit and or Subsidy for Individual and Family Plans (from FAQ’s via CBS News on […]
The ACA is still the “law of the land” re Individual Health Insurance. The 2018 Open Enrollment Period runs from November 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017. Plans sold during Open Enrollment start January 1, 2018. As of the end of June we are not sure what insurace companies will be selling in Texas. Note Memorial […]
Open enrollment for individual health insurance plans comes to a close at the end of January for 2016. So, Sunday 01/31 is the last day people can purchase health insurance with out a special exception. I am going to post something I read in the Houston Chronicle on Sunday 01/24, that included some news on what […]
A HumanaOne plan, TX Bronze 6450 ChoiceCare PPO + Children’s Dental, has been added for 2016 coverage in parts of Texas that were previously not included. This was announced on 12/09/2015. This is good news for The Houston and central Texas areas. Where there is going to be less options for PPO plans to individuals […]
Memorial Hermann (the Houston area hospital concern ) has been in the group insurance market for a few years now. The company is moving into the individual and family market starting January 2016. The MHHI plans are only OFF marketplace. ( ie that is NOT on Memorial Hermann Health Insurance (MHHI) has a limited […]
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas or BCBSTX is arguably the latest Health Insurer in Texas. I will try to point out and list links to some useful web pages. Blue Cross Blue Shield (association) What is it from Wikipedia. Blue Cross Blue Shield has implemented Benefits Value Advisory or Customer Service (CS), , for […]
For Individual Health Insurance we all have to get used to the idea of an annual open enrollment. This is the time where you can shop and purchase health insurance without having a qualifying event. A qualifying event allows you to purchase (on average 60 day window) health insurance outside the open enrollment period. Here are […]
Diabetes or Diabetes Melitus, which is the full name of the disease that people have some chance to control by how they live and eat. There are three major types of diabetes melitus (DM). Type I DM This is the type where you body does not make insulin and so the person has to take […]
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