Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Well it is about the end of 2019 and what is the stare of health care and Health insurance in the USA? This is a big question with no clear answers. I did see pare of a national tv show talking on this subject. C-Span WJ – 12/25/2019 Dr. Marty Makary on the US healthcare […]
We have posted on these EHB’s before. But the 10 (ten) essential health benefits are the cornerstone to the ACA. (HHS on the ACA) Under the new rules set out by the ACA all new major medical health insurance policies must provide ten essential health benefits (“EHBs”). These are minimum coverage requirements that […]
Congress is trying to make changes to the health care law, ie the ACA or “Obama Care.” This will have a big effect on both individual and family health insurance as well as small group insurance. C-span morning show Washington Journal (WJ) did have a segment (10/18/2017) where Jennifer Haberkorn and Rebecca Adams talked about the future of […]
In the March 06, 2014 WSJ there was an article on the prospect of the ACA tax penalty. The WSJ talks of the the Tax Policy Center (TPC) and its mission to provides timely, accessible analysis and facts about tax policy. TPC – ACA Tax Penalty Calc ACA -exempt list from TPC wsj.com_blog_-Obamacare Penalty to Exceed 95 for […]
The new health care law or Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or PPACA) has a lot of moving parts and for people with little or no experience with health insurance it is a real challenge to understand the insurance world I read an article in the 08/02/2014 NYTimes titles “Newly Insured, […]
The IRS has published a document titled “Tax Impacts of Health Insurance Coverage for Individuals & Families in 2014” This is a “Virtual Town Hall” series and is one of the things that many people are concerned with in regard to the new ACA law. That is, how will the Tax law and this intersect […]
Please Note: Individuals can purchase health insurance only until 03/15/2014 that will go into effect April 1 2014. As of now after these dates you can not purchase individual health insurance unless you have a qualifying event. I started this post back in August / September of 2013. Well, life and all the real challenges […]
On 10/01/2013 the Markeplace (or Exchange as it was named in the original law – The PPACA or ACA for short) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act = PPACA The Marketplace’s have opened up for business so people can start to shop and purchase health insurance that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). […]
With the re-election of President Obama, the ACA (Affordable Care Act) and HCR (Health Care Reform) should keeping moving forward with what we know of the law. Not until the year, 2014 will the most changes go into effect. The largest of these in my opinion is the Health Insurance Exchange, for individuals and small […]
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