Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) for groups (company insurance ) has a new address for mailing in billing payments. BCBSTX premium/payment addresses changed in the fourth quarter of 2019. Why it matters: Many groups are still submitting their payments to the old addresses. Time is running out on the forwarding service. To avoid […]
Wages ie take home pay for most Americans in the USA is, are flat. But our government (all of us) will pay more in debt service next year due to US (the government) not (…..trying…..) to pay as we go. The way we are going we are leaving the problems for the next generations. This […]
This is a revised Health Insurance for Texas website which was made “live” last week (07/24/2018). Welcome to web site “3.5”. This is the 2nd design change to this wordpress website,, which started in 2007. Wehave also added both a phone and tablet version (3.1) as well a log in for our group clients […]
What will companies with less than 50 employees do starting in 2014 as far as health insurance is concerned? The short answer is the company can do what ever it wants to do. Employers with less than 50 employees do not have to offer a group plan or they can. Only employers with more than 50 employees will […]
Healthy Texas Healthy Texas, a new statewide public/private partnership health insurance program for small groups of employees in Texas, went into effect January 1, 2011. The partnership is between the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) and two major health insurance companies, United Healthcare (UHC) and Celtic and came about as a result of the new […]
I will talk about the options in what is called the individual market for Health Insurance vs. the Group Market (Company provided health insurance) I will also put up a copy of a short video that is part of a nice series of videos sponsored by Humana, one of the country’s largest health insurance companies […]
Revised Health Insurance for Texas web site was made “live” today. Welcome to web site “3.0”. This is the 3rd major design change in the life of, the website, which started in July of 2007. This is the first Blog post I am making as we put the site up “LIVE” in this […]
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