Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
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It makes sense to me, to ask people to cover the face and you will not be the one to pass the virus on, if you are infected. By wearing a nose mouth mask will not so much protect your self as it will protect others. This is a little (BIG) something we all can […]
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) for groups (company insurance ) has a new address for mailing in billing payments. BCBSTX premium/payment addresses changed in the fourth quarter of 2019. Why it matters: Many groups are still submitting their payments to the old addresses. Time is running out on the forwarding service. To avoid […]
ABC new Had a story our office is all to familiar with. The cost of Health Insurance has continued to go up even with the ACA, Affordable Care Act. Links ABC News Average Americans getting crushed by rising Health Ins. Costs (0:42 Sec) 11/21/2019 by Erin Schumaker. Erin Schumaker ABCnews Erin Schumaker Twitter Links ABC […]
We try to post news, trends and information on using health insurance in Texas from time to time. When using your health insurance learn how to try to stay in network. What is in net work vs Out of net work. This is a loaded statement but important. Contact your Insurance Agent / Company to […]
Wages ie take home pay for most Americans in the USA is, are flat. But our government (all of us) will pay more in debt service next year due to US (the government) not (…..trying…..) to pay as we go. The way we are going we are leaving the problems for the next generations. This […]
This is a revised Health Insurance for Texas website which was made “live” last week (07/24/2018). Welcome to web site “3.5”. This is the 2nd design change to this wordpress website,, which started in 2007. Wehave also added both a phone and tablet version (3.1) as well a log in for our group clients […]
The 2016 maximum contribution limit for employees with a single plan is $3,350 and for those with a family plan is $6,750. Individuals age 55 and older can make an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. Learn more by visiting the IRS Guidelines & Eligible Expenses page. (hsa bank) Related Links HSA Bank FAQ’s HSA Bank HSA guidelines 2016 […]
The Houston Chronicle, had a story where Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and Kelsey-Seybold Clinic announced (07/29/2016) that they would no longer work together. So that means if you have Health Insurance with Blue Cross that Kelsey-Seybold will not be in net work starting October 01, 2016. As of 07/29 Kelsey-Seybold did not […]
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) which changed health care and health insurance went live in 2014. There are lots of new things that will affect all Americans and Texans. I am posting a link from our friends with the Internal Revenue Service. This may offer some help with filing 2014 taxes. Link HCTT-2015-15: […]
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