Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) for groups (company insurance ) has a new address for mailing in billing payments.
BCBSTX premium/payment addresses changed in the fourth quarter of 2019.
Why it matters: Many groups are still submitting their payments to the old addresses. Time is running out on the forwarding service. To avoid delays and delinquencies, please ensure that your groups know about our new addresses for:
Paper-billed groups
ASO/self-funded accounts
BCBSTX address info fourth quarter of 2019
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
(Mailing address for fully insured groups)
P. O. Box 650615
Dallas, TX 75265-0615
Contact our office so we can help you stet up the online access so you can have admin and payment options. (JCL Casey Lowery) (713-481-6501 ph)