Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
It makes sense to me, to ask people to cover the face and you will not be the one to pass the virus on, if you are infected. By wearing a nose mouth mask will not so much protect your self as it will protect others.
This is a little (BIG) something we all can do for our friends, neighbors, family and yes, fellow man.
So, Lead, follow or get out of the way. (an old saying, that I do like.)
( In this case wear a face cover or stay home. That is how I read it.)
See the data on how Korea vs Italy did handle this, in the video above (see min 6 or so). It makes sense to me.
This is what I am hearing from the medical professionals. Am I wrong?
I am sharing this for I think this is a good call.
I think, we should not use up, the “store bought” in the john Q public use and save this valuable resource for the Health care pros and first responders.
Smerconish on TV cnn ( yes I dvr his show on Saturday morning.)