Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
Diabetes or Diabetes Melitus, which is the full name of the disease that people have some chance to control by how they live and eat. There are three major types of diabetes melitus (DM).
Type I DM This is the type where you body does not make insulin and so the person has to take in insulin.
Type II DM This is (was) called non insulin dependent diabetes. This is the most common and the type that seems to have the effect on the most people and has been called “epidemic” by some. It is clear to me that this is the one that is a major problem for both the health system and many people.
The third form is known as Gestational Diabetes (or gestational diabetes melitus, GDM) This condition is found in women who have not been previously diagnosed with DM but it comes out during pregnancy.
This blog is part of an Insurance website and we are not doctors. However we do deal in Health and Life Insurance and we like to try to be of help to people and epically our clients. In that light I am going to give some links to a few web sites that could be of help to people.
The American Diabetes Association. This is a good site. So read the Risk Test, which is nice and short.
Also see: The Risk Test on facebook.
WebMD on Diabetes
The Mao Clinic on Diabetes
In Texas Kelsey Seybold Clinic has a nice diabetes education page. Kelsey Seybold (KS) does have a extensive dibetes disease lisings as well. There is a nice Q & A page on Living with diabetes and high blood pressure. Update link for info on KS Living with diabetes and high blood pressure 2014/07.
Kelsey Seybold has a nice webinar series. Here is a link to one (11/2/2011 Diabetes: When Blood Sugar Attacks!)
Here is the link to Kelsey Seybolds Webinar Wednesday (Schedule for the 1st Wed of the Month)
Kelsey Seybold has a nice resources for healthy living page. NEW KS Health Resources page 2014 /07 .
We all need salt in our diet, just not too much. Again, everthing in moderation is the key. The bad news is that both salt and sugar are found in all processed foods. Here is a short piece from the NYT blog on personal health “well.blogs.nytimes” on “Sodium, hiding in plain sight.”
See from “Charlie Rose” Dr. Mark Hyman M.D. talking about his book “The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now!”
Dr. Hyman discusses the “American diet” and how we live with it and what we can do to help our selves.
The American diet is an industrial diet. On average each person in the USA consumes the following
150 lbs. of sugar
24 lbs. of pizza
23 lbs. of ice cream
24 lbs. of artificial sweeteners
53 gallons of soda (sweet drinks) or soda water
2.7 lbs. of salt
90,000 mg of caffeine (coffee and soda ?)
Sugar and flower products are the largest problem area per Dr. Hyman.
It is our industrial diet with sedentary life style (we need to move more vs drive our cars)
Our body is a system so Diet and Exercise are the answesr! So if we can eat right and get a proper amount of exercise we can improve and or fix a lot of our own health problems. This could also help to prevent a lot of health problems we see in this country.
I have a (adobe pdf) copy of some notes I have made on this book and some other interviews is have see on this topic and book. This is my material and is just for personal information. See Casey Lowery’s notes on “diabesity” and tips from Dr. Mark Hyman (Casey’s notes on diabisety )
(fyi……do right click to open Casey’s notes pdf in a new tab or page)
See Dr. Mark Hymans book for more and more complete information.
*A note to all readers: I believe Diabetes is a big problem for US ALL.
So we have to start with ourselves to help our loved ones and society as a whole. That is the way I see it & I for plan work to do better.
I will work on myself and report back on how I do!
Above is an update to the video of Dr. Hyman on Charlie rose. (jcl 06/2015)