Having a Last Will & Testament

By tfbuser on July 27, 2012 | Listed under Life Insurance | Leave a comment |

When talking to people about Life Insurance, a topic I bring to prospects and clients is dealing with our own mortality (Life Insurance)  and end of life planning. I am not an attorney and do not help in the writing of wills. I do, however, recommend that  everyone should have one.  A will is not just about money and assets. A last will and testament is, of course, a BIG  help in those areas.  Even more  importantly,  your will lays out exactly what you want. We all should even write letters to loved ones and lay out what “WE” want for our own remains. I know from experience that people do not want to talk or think about this topic. You do not have to dwell on it,  but you should deal with it.  This will be a big help to  your loved ones.

Once you  have things in writing  it should give you some piece of mind and you can always make changes later.  If you do not have a will and/or make  known your last  wishes then what gets done will be  left to others,  and some of your loved ones may not even know.

Additional Items You Should Have For Final Directives:

A) Will -I would consult a lawyer/attorney licensed in Texas (or your home state.)

I do recommend that everyone have one!  It keeps the State out of most peoples affairs and is easy!..Do IT.

B) medical power of attorney and living will (consult an attorney)

C) Power of Attorney (POA)

D) living will -Medical directives (for Doctors and Hospitals)

E) list of important items and location (inventory)

F) A letter to  your family discussing you final wishes. (one to your spouse and to each child and special person in your life)

For example,  do you want a funeral service? And if so, what type? And, last but not least,  how do you want to be buried?

Seek advice from your or a Attorney for what will work for you and your family and situation.

Helpful links

Final directives and wills in Texas

Estate Planning from ESPlanner see  video

I did read about this in a column in the Houston Chronicle  by Scott Burns on  7/18/2012.

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