Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
The following is a list of books and other resources on the subject of health care problems we face in the United States at this point in time. I believe these problems have been building and are now big.
“Medicare Meltdown: How Wall Street and Washington are Ruining Medicare and How to Fix It”
by Rosemary Gibson
Amazon list of books authored by Ms. Rosemary Gibson
See the Treatment Trap
“How the Overuse of Medical Care is Wrecking Your Health, and What You Can Do to Prevent It”
Online the Huffington Post has a blog link for Rosemary Gibson
A listing on Rosemary Gibson and her listings on this website and video’s.
Another book on health care for our time
“Catastrophic Care: How American Health Care Killed My Father – and How We Can Fix It”
the above is a link from c-span and written by David Goldhill
The sad truth is we are not addressing the real problems. Yes they are big but if you do not get to the real problem then you can not fix the problem. Those of us who are lucky to live in the great country of the USA must all do our part, no mater how small we think it is. Let your voice be heard in a civilized manor, or the country could end up in ruins.