Individual, Group & Medicare Healthcare Insurance.
I believe my job is to help people protect or try to “cover” risk in life. Disability Insurance (DI) is an area we all should at least look over and be aware of. According to the numbers this is “the” risk that affects the most people, whether we want to think about and evaluate it or not.
As responsible people we all need to plan for the worst and hope for the best. In other words we all need to look at our risks in life, make some plans, and at least be aware of the things that can happen to us all. Please contact our office by calling 713-481-6501 or emailing. If you already have an Insurance advisor then call or meet with him or her to evaluate your exposure. Then you are the only one that can say if you can and should cover your risk, and to what degree (or not.)
If you can get Disability at work, I encourage you to look at this option and take advantage of the opportunity. If you do not have a Disability Insurance option at work, call me to see about DI for you and your family or encourage me to contact your employer and work to make DI an option for your company benefits.
Payroll protection is a blunt way to think about Disability Insurance.
Please watch the following short video that talks about DIAM and Disability Insurance.
Disability Insurance Awareness Month Video by Rosemarie Rosetti
Next take a look at the longer presentation in eight parts (about 7 min long) from MetLife below for a more complete explanation on the types of DI (Short Term (STDI) coverage for less than 2 years and Long Term (LTDI) for longer periods and up to age 65.
The 8 parts of the MetLife Disability Insurance Video are:
In conclusion, take a look at your DI exposure for yourself and your family or to have us contact your employer or company please contact Casey Lowery by telephone at 713-481-6501 or email.